The Thriving Yogi Entrepreneur Mentorship Program
The Thriving Yogi Entrepreneur Mentorship Program is a 6-month professional development program for yoga teachers. It helps yoga teachers go from feeling like they’re just surviving to thriving.
If you’re feeling overworked, struggling to pay bills (let alone take a vacation), feeling guilty that you don't love teaching yoga anymore and afraid of showing up fully as the leader you know you are... this program is for you. Because being a yoga teacher doesn't have to be like this. Through my signature method you can, without a doubt, step into the Thriving Yogi Entrepreneur that I know you are. A Thriving Yogi Entrepreneur is financially secure. They have a strategic plan to earn their targeted annual income. Their teaching inspires them and their students. They take time off, feel like they receive from life as much as they give and show up as their full selves in their communities.
We all have to start somewhere
We all have to start somewhere as yoga teachers. There’s no roadmap for this career path. There’s no “Yoga University'' from which you’ll graduate with defined paths for you to follow. No, it’s more like the Wild Wild West once you’ve graduated from a teacher training program. You’re suddenly out in the “real world”, hustling and trying to find teaching gigs. The grind lasts a few years. Eventually, you feel worn out from being overdrawn energetically and under-supported personally and professionally.

Now things feel...
You have little time freedom
At some point, you realize that you have very little freedom over how you spend your time. Because you have very little free time, this limits the work you can take on. You’re on the edge of burnout. You've invested in all the continuing education. You’ve got a pretty good handle on foundational teaching skills. But you’re struggling to manage the variable nature of your income. You spend hours planning your events… but for what kind of return? You can’t take a vacation let alone take a yoga class yourself...
Strained professional relationships and boundaries
Because you’re so reliant on yoga studios, you have a hard time setting boundaries and expressing your needs – what if you speak up and lose this job? What happens next? Resentments build and your sense of peace while teaching feels less and less steady. You struggle to say no to challenging students, too. Your private clients and regulars pay your bills, so you can't advocate for yourself if they cross your boundaries. So you keep your mouth shut and pack down your emotions.
Where's this all leading anyway?
You’re stuck in a cycle of teaching group classes, maybe with the occasional private client, workshop or retreat and you are feeling a growing sense of despair because really… Where is this all going? How are you ever going to afford to take time off… go on vacation… have a family… go back to school… save for the future…
But there's no time to get into that because once class is done, you spend the next few hours running the experience over in your mind. What did people really think? Was my class good enough? Did people like me? Will anyone come back again? You’re unsure of your values as a teacher, and unclear about why you’re even teaching anymore. You find yourself imitating the teachers you look up to. You have lost touch or maybe haven’t ever experienced what your own voice even is as a teacher.
Feeling uninspired and drained
At this point, you’re feeling uninspired and disconnected from your teaching. You’re either on a set-sequence model that you could teach with your eyes shut or you’re grinding away for hours, trying to perfect a new sequence for each class you teach (because your biggest fear is that people will get bored with your class, right?!!) Either way, the well of creativity is running dry. You’re feeling insecure overall about the value that you have to offer your students. You worry a lot about your students’ experience. You don’t feel connected to them while teaching. It’s all about perfecting the sequence and trying to roll it out “perfectly”. You long to bring more YOU to your classes but have no idea how to bridge the gap between how you show up now and how you’d like to feel while leading.

Here's what I know:
Here's what I've heard:
There is a desire for
mentorship from someone who has walked the walk.
1 /
Who can teach you the role that group classes play in your business model. You need to understand why these are an integral part of your business, but they are definintely not the whole thing.
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Who can help you set realistic goals for your income and break it down into an action plan so that you can finally sleep well at night knowing that you’re on the right track toward the lifestyle you want
3 /
Who can help you plan, market and consistently sell out your offerings so that your valuable time and energy do not go to waste and you build a solid community around your services
4 /
Who can help you navigate studio and student relationships to set boundaries, negotiate contracts/pay rates and pricing so that your work relationships are easeful and inspiring
5 /
Who can skillfully support you in finding your voice as a teacher, explore your values and weave those into your dharma talks and class sequences
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Who can offer you tools and inner work for developing a more compassionate relationship with yourself so that your inner critic doesn’t hijack you after every class/event you lead

You know that they journey of a yoga entrepreneur isn't easy, but you wouldn't have it any other way
You know that becoming a Yogi Entrepreneur isn’t easy work. It requires a deep commitment to your personal development, self-reflection, planning, and intentionality. You likely know that something about your approach to your work will have to change if you want more ease, stability, confidence and joy but you're human... of course there's also fear present because there are so many unknowns in the process. The good news is that this isn’t your first rodeo – you’ve done hard things in the past and you’ve come out the other side. You know that you’re highly motivated to become not only a better yoga teacher, but also to grow into a yogi entrepreneur and a more solid human being overall. You’ve. Got. This!

The Thriving Yoga Entrepreneur Mentorship Program is for you if you are...
A yoga teacher with a minimum of 200hr teacher training certification. You currently teach in studios, from home, 1:1, and/or online
Ready to level up in a big way on how you approach your teaching craft, business, relationship with yourself and others
Looking for consistency and accountability around your business and personal development
Craving connection with a mentor who has been through it and will walk beside you on your path, too
Interested in growing not just as a yoga teacher but also as a human being

This professional development program is built differently...
Unlike other yoga teacher professional support programs, this program seamlessly threads together industry-best foundational teaching skills, the development of your business acumen, and self-development informed by parts work and self-compassion practices. Most teacher development programs address each of these components as separate pieces which you’re then left to cobble together on your own into a coherent career. Because these pieces are taught separately, you will end up spending way more time in your head, spinning your wheels, trying to implement projects while feeling like nothing is working how you’d like it to.
The Thriving Yogi Entrepreneur Mentorship Program saves you time and money because it brings these three pillars of your career together in one, transformational program. These three pillars mutually support one another and you’ll come to see that when you get clarity and forward action in one area, it opens up getaways in other avenues of your career, also. By working your way through this program you’re welcoming in ease and flow – YES to more of that, please!

What Content is Included?
Your 1:1 program will include a customized mix of the above pieces of content to propel you forward as a Thriving Yogi Entrepreneur.
What happens if one of these pillars is underdeveloped?

Personal Brand and Business Skills without Foundational Knowledge
You teach fun, personality-filled classes under a good business model but your method of delivery feels random at best and unfounded in concrete knowledge. Your following is mostly built on your personality (students love a charismatic teacher!) This model has short-term success but won’t last the test of time due to a poor foundational knowledge and expertise. You can’t deliver consistent results for your students and feel insecure about your skill set.

Foundational Knowledge + Personal Brand without Business Acumen
You offer an excellent class experience for your students and you feel fulfilled through your teaching. But your work isn’t held by a larger strategy and therefore feels draining. You’re working hard at contributing to your communities but you aren’t creating a sustainable, thriving career for yourself. Cue: Burnout, fatigue and aimlessness and possibly even cycling out of the industry altogether. Back to the 9-5 desk job you go.

Business skills + Foundational Knowledge without Personal Brand
You teach solid classes and have a good grasp of how to grow your business. But your students don’t connect with you on a deeper level. Your teaching feels empty of YOU. You aren’t connected to your values or your WHY. You have trouble being yourself, feeling relaxed and connecting with your students. You feel detached from your work… like it’s meaningless and disconnected from you and your life.
It’s likely that in reading each of the above three scenarios, you can recognize some elements of familiarity. This makes a lot of sense. It would make sense that you need support in more than one area to develop as a Yogi Entrepreneur and human being.

When you sign up for my program you get:
6 months of support (minimum commitment then you can move to month-to-month depending on your need)
12 bi-weekly 1:1 mentorship sessions (can be used within within 8 months’ time)
Unlimited support via email between sessions
Two 60-minute class feedback sessions per contract period to support you in the development of your craft as a teacher
1 year membership to Katarina Yoga Online (my on-demand class library)
Pre-recorded video training, worksheets, planning templates, and guided audio meditations tailored to your goals and objectives
Recommended training resources and reading lists
Homework and other deliverables between sessions. Deliverables may include: setting yearly income goals and revenue stream strategy, setting monthly sales targets, planning a yearly events calendar including time off, launching mailing list, creating a marketing plan for your next big event, beginning a daily self-compassion practice, etc.
Accountability on homework assignments to help you stay on track and achieve your goals
Custom Programming
Mentees don't all need the same program format. Book a discovery call where we'll connect and discuss where you're currently at in your teaching and where you want to go. From there, we'll develop a custom program to help you get from A to Z.

Fine Print Details
The work I do with each mentee is unique to their goals, stage of teaching and personal development. Your mentorship journey will be entirely unique and designed for YOU.
All support materials (video trainings, PDFs, worksheets, spreadsheet, audio recordings, etc) will be provided to support the stage that you’re at in your entrepreneurial journey based on your progression. You will only receive materials that are relevant to you.
The commitment is for a minimum of 6 months. If you want to continue to work together after that, we can take it one month at a time or you can sign up for another 6 months.
Payment plans are available and you are not charged more for requesting one.
I’m here with you every step of the way. That being said, if you’d like to part ways, you can cancel anytime with no penalty.

Some examples of teacher’s I’ve helped
1 / Jordan has diversified his income sources and is en route to doubling his salary
I’m supporting Jordan to double his income this year. In doing so, he's launched a new service offering, negotiated with his studio about offering private yoga classes on-site and strategized how his development as a yoga teacher will feed into his long-term goals of going back to school to become a therapist.
2 / Sarah is reclaiming her voice, creativity and confidence and starting a YouTube channel
Sarah is tackling imposter syndrome by launching a YouTube channel and designing her creative sequences to reclaim her voice and power.
3 / Alexis is transitioning off the group-class hustle to build an at-home private yoga and pilates business
Alexis is building a sustainable business model of at-home private yoga and pilates clients. To do so, she is reducing the 15+ group classes she was teaching per week so that she can afford to go back to school and have a baby.

Why work with me?
Hi, I'm Katarina 👋
I’m naturally warm, approachable, compassionate and clear in my communication. These attributes allow me to relate to, understand and communicate with a wide variety of folks in a way that is sensitive to their needs while also being clear and direct. I see teachers as unique individuals and am adept at spotting their areas of interest and gifts. I give specific, tangible feedback that is actionable to help the gifts of the recipient shine. Spotting teachers’ natural talents while gently bringing to light areas for development is a passion. There’s nothing more exciting than seeing a teacher become more confident in themselves over time.
In terms of experience, I bring years of teacher mentorship to the table, working virtually with students from all over the world with varying schools of yoga and also through my own business. I also walk the walk in other ways as a professional yoga teacher. I’ve been through the transitions from being a brand-new teacher, barely teaching a weekly class because of a full-time corporate job, to managing several part-time gigs to pay the bills as I developed as a teacher, to now being able to support myself while teaching full-time. I have been through the journey of self-inquiry to explore my core values as a teacher and how to allow those to shine through the services I offer and the classes I teach. I understand what it takes in terms of hard and soft skills as a teacher to show up in this profession with integrity and joy. This is what I’m inspired to share with others.
My areas of expertise include both hard and soft skills which come from a commitment and enthusiasm for continuing education. In terms of hard skills, I have a passion for functional anatomy and intelligent, playful sequencing with a focus on strength. This likely comes from a genuine love of movement, exercise and physicality. Experiences that help me feel embodied make my heart sing and I love sharing that with others. In terms of soft skills, teaching about values, ethics, best practices of communication, power dynamics and how to handle tough situations (I’ve been in a few!) lights me up as well. I’ve lived in a traditional gurukula system that was built on power-imbalance and I have a passion for progressing the teacher-student paradigm to a more trauma-aware model where students are empowered to choose what’s right for themselves over defaulting to authority figures. A progressive paradigm of teaching yoga is a topic that also lights me up. Offering a forum to others to engage in critical thinking about our role as a teacher is highly rewarding and I think, necessary, to create more healing and less harm.
Having seen both the incredible healing potentials of this ancient tradition and this industry's equally dark sides, I am honoured to dedicate my life to contributing to the levelling-up of standards in this industry through the work that I do with yoga teachers and yoga students.

If the above rang a clear bell in your heart to take the next big step toward an empowered, thriving career as a yoga entrepreneur, here are your next steps:
1 / Discovery Call
Book a discovery call with me to explore working together and discuss your goals in greater detail.
2 / Self Assessment Form
Complete a self-assessment form to get a clear view of where your gaps are as a yoga entrepreneur and to set your goals for what areas of your business (business skills, foundational teaching skills, nurturing Self-energy/Brand) you'd like to focus on throughout our 6 months together.
3 / Start!
Schedule your series of 1:1 sessions and we're set for blast off!

I have a limited capacity of mentees I can work with in 2024.
If you are interested in exploring what working together could look like, email me to set up a free 15 minute phone consultation to discuss if this mentorship program is right for you so you can claim one of these limited spots. I'm excited to meet you and explore your future together!

1. When can I start?
You can start anytime.
2. Can I pick the frequency of my 1:1 calls with you?
It’s recommended that we meet once every two weeks because there will be time needed in between sessions for integration, completing homework, and generally implementing the action items that we come up with together in our 1:1 calls. Should you need extra support between sessions, you have unlimited access to me via email.
3. How many times can I work with you in 6-month blocks?
Sometimes we don’t get to tick all the boxes or explore all the learning we want to within 6 months. It's very common for mentees to get a ton of momentum while working with me, take a few months off to integrate what they’ve learned, and then come back for another round of support. You can partake in as many blocks as you’d like.
4. What if I need to cancel or move an appointment?
I require 24 hours ' notice. If cancellations are made within 24 hours for non-emergency or non-medical reasons, you will be charged for the session in full as a "no-show" fee.
5. What if I don't want to keep working together? What's the refund policy?
If you want to stop our mentorship work for whatever reason, you will be reimbursed in full for the sessions you haven't used. You are not tied down. If it's not the right fit or if you feel you aren't getting the value you want, you're more than welcome to seek out someone who will support you best!